Thursday, April 10, 2014

Kostroma Thursday April 10th. 2014

Reflections in Space!

As we move towards the end of the week, I am reminded of the 12th. April .
This is Kosmonaut's day in Russia and 3 years ago, I managed to visit the Space museum in Moscow.

What a different world it was then, in the day of Gagarin and Strelka and Belka the space dogs. I remember so clearly watching wide-eyed at Apollo 11 and Neil Armstrong walking on the surface of the moon after landing on the 20th. july 1969.

I was just 14 years old, innocent and mesmorised by the USSR and the USA and the space race.

It seems to alien to me now as I am sat in a Russian home with my Russian family.
Yet, as I am meeting new people here and getting to know them and the language, this hazy dream of a 14 year old is becoming reality.

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