Friday, May 10, 2013

My week

This is the first post of a weekly review of my life in England for my students, colleagues and friends in Russia, France, Spain and wherever else you may be!!.

So what's happened in the last week?
Last weekend was a long weekend, because Monday was a Bank Holiday.
Most of the UK would be spending time in the garden or stuck in traffic jams on their way to the seaside!
The weather was great, quite hot for May.
Saturday was a busy day, ironing followed by tidying the garden , then a couple of hours fishing!
Sunday was a family day, Nanna, Grandad, Aunty and nephews all together for lunch, followed by a walk by the sea.
Bank Holiday Monday had the usual Car boot Sale, hundreds of people including me! All searching for a bargain, I found a couple of pieces of excellent fishing equipment, so of course I had to go fishing on the evening to test them out!

Back to work on Tuesday for a short week. Taught German on Tuesday night, planning my visit to Germany at the end of June.

Wednesday saw the  opening of Parliament, our Queen makes a speech  and there is a lot of pageantry and tradition.

Our Prime Minister is in Russia talking to President Putin, no doubt discussing the terrible situation in Syria.
My friends tell me that it was Victory day in Russia and it is also a Bank Holiday.

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