Sunday, September 16, 2012

Martha Reeves and the Vandellas

Peter and Martha Reeves
The night I met Martha Reeves!  
 Ever since I heard the Temptations sing 'My Girl' way back in the 60s, I have been a total fan of Tamla Motown and Northern Soul.
When I heard that Martha Reeves was coming to Stockton, I had to go!
She is 71 years old and a 'Legend'!
As you can see I got the chance to meet her after the gig and talk to her for a while.
She sang all of her classics and every single person in the audience was on their feet when she burst into 'Dancing in the Street'.

Martha Reeves and the Vandellas
Thank you Martha! I will never forget meeting you!

Thursday August 30th. 2012.


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