Wednesday, April 20, 2011

50 Books to read before you die No 8 George Orwell. 1984

I seem to remember reading this at school. Yet I do not have as many memories of this book as I have of Animal Farm.
Having seen where Orwell wrote this book on the island of Jura, very close to the Cory Wreckon Whirlpool, I can imagine how he came up with such a dark and terrible story.
There are so many prophesies in this book that are so current in today's society, especially some of the technological ideas that he used.
Voices from the wall and cameras everywhere, how true is that of today's world with satellite and radar traps. You really do not know who is watching you.
George Orwell had a great influence on me as a young man, I suppose that after reading, 'Down and Out in London and Paris' so many years ago, the image of 'Le plongeur' the poor kitchen porter in the huge Parisien hotels has always given me the reality of how bloody hard it is sometimes to get by.
1984 is without doubt one of the very best books I have ever read and it has given me the inspiration to read some of his other work, especially 'Hommage to Catalonia' as I really should understand more regarding the Spanish Civil War. I also remember another wonderful book, 'The road to Wigan Pier'

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