Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Waffle numéro quatre

I was chatting online with mon ami Guy this morning. we chatted about the usual, fishing, work, family and then the conversation got around to the Euro Lottery. I was waffling on about buying my dream house in Bourges and how it wouldn't change me! Ha! You must be joking! Or as we say in the Boro.You're jokin aren ya!You are bloody right it would change me, the first thing I would do is pack in work! I explained to Guy that I will eventually become a Picklaire! I had to explain about what a chutney was and remembered the 'faux ami' with preservatif [condom]. So I am not sure whether he now thinks I am going to buy a company that sells Pumpkin flavoured condoms?!That's the fun learning and teaching languages,isn't it?

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