Wednesday, December 05, 2018

A new challenge

On 27th December 2018  Café Pierre Languages will relocate to Kostroma in Russia.
I will mainly be teaching English but developing also our distance learning programme.

We have resources on our VLE [Virtual Learning Platform and classes will be offered by Social media video tools such as Skype and Whatsapp.

Our partners in Bourges [France] and La Coruňa  {Spain] will play a significant part on the programme with access to native speakers.

We are looking at a programme that works in  5 hour blocks spread over 1 hour sessions to meet your availability. 

Please contact Peter at  Café Pierre Languages by e mail to discuss further details.
We are offering , English, Russian, French, German, Spanish,  Italian and Dutch is also available.

Please e mail

Thank you to all of our students old and current for your support in the first phase of ;
Café Pierre Languages.

In which we were awarded the Best New small business in 2016.
Here's to the next phase!!
Image may contain: Peter Samson, smiling, indoorImage may contain: sky and outdoor